My intention is that this can help you navigate these times with a little more ease, clarity, and faith providing a different outlook that will inspire you to take the aligned productive steps that will actually change your life and future in the best possible way.
Addicted to social media? Feeling overwhelmed and consumed by it? Top tips, takeaways, and secrets on how to intentionally leverage social media to amplify your life and support your goals and desires.
There is no shortage of words like “self care”, “balance”, “mindfulness”, “joy” that’s being used in our daily vocabulary. We are living in a time where we are fully aware that we live very busy, stressful, chaotic, anxiety filled lives that is jeopardizing not only our physical but also mental and spiritual health.
I checked all the boxes but one major thing was missing- I felt unfulfilled, unhappy, lost, empty inside. I was seeking external titles and items for validation to satisfy the emptiness I felt within.