Awakening in the New Paradigm

My intention is that this can help you navigate these times with a little more ease, clarity, and faith providing a different outlook that will inspire you to take the aligned productive steps that will actually change your life and future in the best possible way.

I know, things feel very intense and you may be wondering...

Why is this happening?

We are in a collective awakening.

We are transitioning to a new earth, a new paradigm of being.

And with any type of change comes great discomfort in the transition of letting go of what you know and stepping into the unknown however, we are being asked to step out of fear and into faith - because a better way is on the horizon. 

Gone are the days when we are supposed to be like everyone else.

We have been programmed by a world that has shown us, taught us, and rewarded us to be anything but ourselves. 

Yes, it served us and it was the way we operated in this paradigm and now we are being ushered into this new way of being that celebrates our individualism. 

Now is not the time to cling to fear, worry, control, and doubt comparing to the past, what you "know", or experienced - this will just create more conflict and resistance in your life. 

It's a time to remember who you are and who you came here to be and step into that Truest version of yourself because you have all the answers you are seeking and searching for.

Know, you’re meant to do it your way and it’s going to look unlike the way you know or have seen...

This is how you will thrive in this new paradigm. 

Journal on the below prompts to start opening yourself up and reconnecting with your Truest Self.

  • What makes you, you?

  • What are your unique gifts?

  • What’s your unique purpose, the mark you’re meant to leave on this world?

  • How do you wish to be in service to the world?

  • Who did you come here to be?

  • What comes easily to you?

  • What lessons, experiences, and challenges have you overcome/ navigating through?

  • What do you find yourself always speaking about?

  • What do people come to you for?

  • What lights you up?

  • What are you doing that does not bring you joy? 

  • Where do you feel resistance in your life? 

  • Where/ what are you forcing that is not flowing?

If you feel like this is answering a calling and you're ready to go deeper with your growth and expansion into the Truest version of yourself, fill out this form, and let's chat about how I can best support you on your journey.

Tips for Social Media Burnout

I recently took a social media pause and it was deeply transformative, I have come back with a renewed outlook, mindset, intention, and purpose. I was feeling overwhelmed, consumed, addicted, and in a state of anxiety, stuckness, and comparison that was just bringing me down. I knew I needed to break the pattern and remove myself from the vortex to gain the clarity I was seeking.

Now on the other side of things, feeling so inspired, aligned, and connected to my truth, and purpose, I knew I needed to compile my takeaways and share them with you, so you too can create an aligned experience that supports your goals, desires, and growth while elevating your vibration.

It's no surprise that when we scroll we are in a hypnotic trance, which essentially means you are a sponge absorbing everything you consume without much or any resistance.

I know scary!!!

The things you are passively consuming end up influencing and impacting/ shaping your thoughts, emotions, and desires - even if it's not truly aligned with how you want to feel or desire to be/ do/ have and end up taking you down the wrong path in life, creating a lot of discomfort and resistance.

Don't get me wrong, social media is a great tool and gives you access to so many opportunities that can really change your life - the key is being super intentional with what you are consuming and how it’s making you feel.

I have created the below social media edit to help and support you in making the most of your social media experience.


EVALUATE - the accounts followed - the below prompts will help open your awareness which will get you started on making different decisions, taking different actions and getting different outcomes 

  • What types of accounts am I following?

  • How much time is spent in a day?

  • What purpose am I following these accounts?

  • How does it make me feel?

  • Is this moving me towards my goals or away?

  • What are the accounts I am following telling me/ showing me about myself? - it's something I want to pursue/ actually be doing, distracting me, putting me in lack, comparison, inspiring me, motivating, influencing me (in a positive or negative way), enforcing toxic behaviours, procrastinating on taking actions, feel not good enough/doubting myself 

  • When do I decide to scroll? - when I am anxious, want to be entertained, feel overwhelmed, numb out and avoid things going on in my life, when I'm bored

  • How do I feel when I am on social media? Does this feel good to me?

  • Do the accounts I engage with enforce toxic patterns?

  • Do I have a hard time unfollowing, or muting accounts that trigger me, don't make me feel good etc? If so, how come? 

2. ENVIRONMENT - create the vibe you want to experience. Use this as your own vision board, enhancing your beliefs, life, and experience - how do I want to feel, what do I want to create?

3. ELIMINATE - accounts not aligned, enforces toxic behaviours (too much online shopping, feeling behind in life, not good enough, lack, obsessing about body/ beauty etc), patterns, avoid, overconsumption, mindless scroll, low vibe

4. EXPAND -follow accounts that expand you, align you with your goals, and what you desire to create and elevate your mood and vibration

5. EVOLVE - into the version of you that leverages social media to enhance your life. Decide how much time you spend, enforce boundaries, create a protocol etc 



  1. Have a clear intention and purpose of why you are on social media 

  2. Log out after each session 

  3. Remove from the main screen on your phone 

  4. Set boundaries - time limits, accounts followed, and how they impact your energy and emotions

  5. View on web browser vs app - the experience is terrible, you really won't want to spend that much time on it

  6. Less time consuming, comparing and more time creating your dream life - are you being influenced or is it aligned with what you desire to create/ live your life?

Finally, this is your house, you decide who you let into your sacred space, and when you come and go. 

My Journey

My whole life I followed the rules, lived up to others expectations, checked all the boxes...

Honour roll student in high school 

Attended University 

Got a Bachelor of Commerce 

Started my corporate career 

Met the amazing guy 

Bought the house in the suburbs 

Got engaged

Moved into the house 

Climbed the corporate ladder

Got married…. All before I turned 30

And then it all came to a halt.

I checked all the boxes but one major thing was missing- I felt unfulfilled, unhappy, lost, empty inside. I was seeking external titles and items for validation to satisfy the emptiness I felt within.

And of course layer on the added pressure of starting a family and having kids... 

I didn’t know who I was - I completely felt disconnected, out of sync with my soul, my purpose, my calling. I was marching to the beat of someone else’s drum, going through the motions, and living life based on what others expected of me rather than living my life the way I wanted to. I felt like I was repeating this same day, week, month over and over again and knew this couldn’t be my reality for the next 30+ years. I didn’t know how or what but I just felt deep down that there was something so much more to my life and this wasn’t it.

Would it have been ‘easy’ or ‘safe’ to continue down this cookie cutter path of a life I was living and continue checking those boxes... YES but I knew that wouldn’t be the solution to the problem I was feeling inside. It wouldn’t satisfy this burning desire I had from within to live a life of meaning, excitement, purpose, fulfillment, joy, legacy and doing it on my terms! I knew I was meant for something more!

I had hit rock bottom - this was the wake up call to my life. If I wanted a different outcome to my life, I knew only I could make it happen, I had to take action. So I did. I took the biggest leap of my life and jump into the unknown. I didn’t know where it was going to take me but I knew that if I didn’t do this now, I might never have the opportunity ever again. This was my time- it was now or never…

This is where I started my journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, self-love and reconnecting to my soul. 

I invested in a coach because I knew I needed the guidance, support and accountability

Prioritized my health - mind, body, soul 

I dove deep into personal development 

Surrounded myself with high vibe people 

Established a morning routine 

Cut out the BS and set up boundaries

Committed to moving my body regularly  

Nourished my body with healthy whole foods

Took time to just BE

Reflected and journaled daily

Stepped into a new identity 

Found joy and gratitude in every day 

Grounded myself in nature

Had so much fun… even during the hard days

Found new creative hobbies 

Immersed myself in new adventures and activities 

Tackled my fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs

Made goals and took action towards them

Was it hard... absolutely

Were there dark days... absolutely 

But I knew going head on into the darkness wasn’t going to be easy but I had faith that there would be amazing light and growth on the other side.

At some point in my journey, I dug in deep and immersed myself in Personal Development and I realized just how powerful the mind is. At that point, it had made me very aware of my own limiting beliefs, negative emotions and stories I was telling myself to keep me “safe” and stay in the comfort zone but really all I was doing was sabotaging myself and robbing myself of the greatness that was meant for my life.

During this time I was really into my health and fitness and was also helping others with their own wellness goals. At this time I saw first hand how many other people were also impacted by their own version of self-sabotage. I became super fascinated with the subconscious mind and how it worked and why we operate the way we do. It became my mission to understand further so that I could not only help myself but also help others.

This is when I stumbled upon NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki and some other powerful healing modalities. I didn’t know much but I felt extremely compelled to become trained and certified in them. So without overthinking it, I just trusted I was being led down this path for a reason and took another leap! I made a massive investment in myself believing it would be worth it in the long run and started 2 weeks later.

Looking back now, I really had no idea what I was walking into. I was completely overwhelmed and all my insecurities came crashing down on me. It by far was one of the hardest weeks of my life but also the most rewarding. Every day was tackling a different struggle, a different piece of myself and left me feeling very confused and overwhelmed. Then finally on the last day, the puzzle came together beautifully.

As I was driving into training, I was listening to a random playlist on Spotify and a song came on that I had never heard before and it all clicked together - the song was called “Love Myself”. Over the week, without even realizing I had been tackling the pieces of the root of my problem, I didn’t love and accept myself. Like truly love and accept ME the person I am and was born to be.

Tears instantly filled my eyes and I started sobbing. It was one of the most powerful and liberating moments of my life. I had finally FREED myself. In that moment I realized as much as I joined the certification to help others it was really meant for me to heal myself first.

Through my own transformation, along with helping family and friends experience their own amazing shifts with these powerful techniques, it solidified how fulfilled and passionate I was to help others in their own journey and I knew I needed to make a larger impact. I invested even further in my own growth and knowledge and became a certified Master Life + Success Coach, NLP, TIME, EFT practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

And now I am so excited that I am finally able to share my experiences, my knowledge, expertise and training and help you release the limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, negative emotions, step into your power and live an abundant, freedom life, filled with joy, fulfillment, passion, and purpose.

Are you ready to live your life moving forward?

Finding Myself Through Meditation

There is no shortage of words like “self care”, “balance”, “mindfulness”, “joy” that’s being used in our daily vocabulary. We are living in a time where we are fully aware that we live very busy, stressful, chaotic, anxiety filled lives that is jeopardizing not only our physical but also mental and spiritual health. As much as we go get our nails done or buy the mug or t-shirt that says “good vibes only” are we really living that life??? I think we have every intention and desire to but if we really think about it we probably aren’t.

I know that was the case for me. I was all about doing things to better myself… superficially (if we are being completely honest). It had to be quick, easy and bring me instant gratification since my typical week was all about the grind and hustle. I had no idea that my actions and thoughts were not aligning to how I wanted to live. I was not living from the inside out- it was much more for the appearance or how it would be perceived on the outside and hoping if I said or did one of these things enough times it would penetrate inwards.

Don’t get me wrong- I’m sure it helped a little however I needed something deeper and not superficial. In beauty talk, I needed the intense serum that penetrates deep, not just the moisturizer that sits on the surface. After dipping my toes into a couple of different things, I was introduced to meditation. I had NEVER really thought about meditation before. I thought I wasn’t someone who needed it, besides I couldn’t lay in stillness for 20…10… 5 … MINUTES! To be fair I had no real clue what meditation was and why people would do it and how it would benefit their life. I just knew it wasn’t going to do anything for me. However, I was at a stage in my life where I think my soul was searching for something more and just like that the universe was at work. I was presented with an opportunity to try a 25 minute guided relaxation meditation from my long time Spiritual Coach. So I decided to give up 30 minutes of the mindless TV I craved after a crazy stressful day at work. I mean this is what I looked forward to every week; it was what got me through Terrible Tuesdays.

I told my husband I was going to our room and to leave me alone for 30 minutes because I was trying this “meditation thing”. Of course he supported me, as he does with all my other crazy weird ideas… which you will soon discover. So I got myself into position- laid down on the floor beside my bed with my head on a pillow and blanket covering me to keep me warm. I had no idea if this was “proper” but I went with it. I started to listen to the recording, trying my best to follow along and hope that what I was being told would ensure I was doing it “right” haha little did I know. Right off the top we started by clearing and rebalancing our Chakras- “what the hell is a chakra” I said to myself, “I need to Google this” but continued along with it since I committed myself to trying. I continued through the rest of the meditation trying my hardest to not let my mind get consumed with my huge to do list and to my amazement just like that the 25 minutes had flown by and I was done. I opened my eyes and instantly felt this amazing yet weird sensation throughout my body. I felt this amazing energy and tingling sensation- it took me a while to get up and even walk. I walked downstairs and immediately told my husband about my experience. “WOW!” was all I could say to him. I had felt all the tension from my body lifted, I felt this lightness throughout my body and even my voice conveyed this sense of calmness. I didn’t know if this was normal or if I was meant to feel this way- regardless it felt like a complete success to me!

From that point on I was a believer! I didn’t know if there would be any long-term changes or affects but I didn’t care- I loved the way it made me feel. Slowly but surely I did notice a change- my inner voice, my soul was awakened and speaking to me. My outlook on life began to change. The person I wanted to be, the life I wanted to live was changing (for the better). It brought me this surge of gratitude, joy, and energy for life! I started to align to my life purpose and through that vibration the universe was opening up doors and opportunities to me that had never crossed my mind before. After reflection and thought, I can say it truly was because I had never taken even 10 minutes of silence to clear my mind and let my soul speak to me.

So if we want to truly embody mindfulness and find balance in our crazy lives the real self-care needs to start from within. Meditation is only one of the many tools I use to help be present and connect to myself. It truly was the catalyst and without it I don’t think I would be able to appreciate the other tools and practices I have now adopted into my daily life.

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